A Quick motivational tablet
A Quick motivational tablet
Chnaged by the word
Changed by the word

After writing the above best-selling book, I saw the need to share some of its wonderful contents with you through this medium. Now, hear these:

Does He say a thing without doing it? No! Is there anything impossible to Him? No! God is the Caller and the Doer. When He calls you, He goes before you to prepare the way for you (Isaiah 45:2). He, through the Holy Spirit, has revealed a lot of things to you in the first chapter of this wonderful book; now, I want you to know that all you need to do is just to allow His Words to brain-wash you and better your destiny; you’ve struggled enough!

Hear these: In the book of Luke 5, Jesus “hired” the boat of Peter (A mere fisher man) to carry out a crusade at the sea shore. After His ministration, He sent forth His Words to Peter, (though Peter wanted to doubt Him) and the Word produced results. There were excess fishes in the net of Peter, in a net-breaking order. And Peter marveled. Not just that, He instantly transformed the life of Peter from a mere fisherman, without a formal education, to a fisher of men. Peter later became a Bishop and head of the Apostles.

In the life of Paul (Acts 9), God proved His Word faithful. Hitherto, Paul was an anti-Christ. He grossly humiliated and sentenced a lot of the followers of Christ to their early graves. But, when He encountered the Word at Damascus, he became an Apostles of Christ. Preaching for the same Christ, he initially preached against.The Word transformed his life to the extent of becoming the most impactful Apostle among the early Apostles.

The Word transformed him and made him an established global minister on earth.In the life of Kenneth Copeland, He was hitherto humiliated by poverty and frustration, even as an ordained minister of the gospel.

When he got the light (Revelation) to pay a visit to Kenneth E. Hagin, to connect to the mystery of prosperity that made him (Kenneth E. Hagin), he attempted trading his car for revelations through the printed and audio-visual materials of Kenneth E. Hagin ministries. Today, he has been privileged to give out aircrafts as seeds.


Bishop David O. Oyedepo got the mystery. He took three (3) books, The Bible, and other two books from the Copeland’s family: The Laws of Prosperity (Written by Kenneth Copeland) and God’s will is prosperity (Written by Gloria Copeland). He isolated himself and fasted for three (3) days, studying these books. And in the process, while studying Gloria Copeland’s book, his eyes of understanding, in relation to prosperity, were opened, and he shouted, “I can never be poor! I can never be poor!!!…”

His mentality was immediately transformed by the Word. And today, the world is celebrating his ministry on earth, and I am a partaker of that encounter and mystery.

Hear this: I consciously walked out of poverty through insight of the Word (The Bible). I walked out of sickness and diseases for over a decade now through the revelation I got from the Scriptures. “I can’t be sick!” “I can’t be poor!” I have never had the cause to take any drug for headache, stress, malaria, or whatsoever. Today, in my family, by the same insight, nobody takes drugs for anything. I caught the light and it ignited the entire family.

Haven’t you heard the story of the mandate handed over to my Father in faith, Bishop David O. Oyedepo? In 1981, precisely on the 1st of May, God instructed him to look for  a place that He (God) wanted to speak to him.

In an eighteen (18) hour vision, God showed him diverse kinds of men, women, and children, beaten, battered, humiliated, down casted, and buffeted by all manners of afflictions. And he cried out, “But why?”The Lord said, “From the beginning, it was not so, now the hour has come to liberate all mankind from all oppression of the devil through the preaching of the Word of faith, and I am sending you to undertake this task”.

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Today, the light that was handed over to one man has shone all over the world, with tangible proofs to show. At least, I am a product of that mandate. The light is still shinning and will continue shinning forever.

Beloved, stop deceiving yourself saying that you’re born again; therefore, all things must fall into pleasant places for you. It does not work that way. Until you locate and apply the right Word, you may end up in frustration. Until you locate and put the Word of God to work, nothing works. Struggling through life becomes the order of the day. God forbid!

My God is not a task-master. When He says it, He does it. When He sends you, He pays the price, the only requirement of you is to obey His Words and put them to work. Then, He has no other option than to confirm His Words in your affairs and life (Isaiah 44:26). He sent Jonah to Nineveh, and paid the price. But, Jonah sent himself to Tar shish and suffered humiliations and begged to be put to death. What a shame! When he (Jonah) accepted to obey, and asked for forgiveness, the Lord sent forth one of His transporters (The shark) to swallow him and drop him at Nineveh free-of-charge (FOC). That was because the available  Flight at that moment was the shark.

Hear me now: You can’t beat God’s mysteries. His ways are higher than our ways. Our ways most often lead to death (Proverbs 14:12). Stop following your mind (senses)! Follow God!

24th law of love

See you again!

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P.S: I have made up my mind to become a Social Engineer and a Blogger who proffers solutions to the seeming hydra-headed challenges and problems of Africa. This I started doing through my e-books, especially my latest e-book, “Secrets Of Business Breakthrough

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Secrets Of Business Breakthrough
Secrets Of Business Breakthrough

See you in my next ARTICLE!

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To Your Success,

Gabriel Onyekawa,

News Reporter,

AlaNaija News,


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