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Please, kindly submit high quality original article(s) only. Do not submit articles that have appeared somewhere (Copied articles).
Our area of coverage is Digital Entrepreneurship: Affiliate Marketing, Blogging, Blog Monetization, Copywriting, Story Branding, Entrepreneurship, Personal/Corporate Finance, Branding, Social Media Marketing, and many more.
For all third party content(s), include data, quote, images and other related.
Write a minimum of 1,500 words article, addressing any of these areas under Digital Entrepreneurship. Put the right keywords to the article. Keep sections short and simple. Label your sections well. Among others.
Worthy of note, every material submitted to us may be reprinted as a piece in any of our companions: E-books, Paperback books, Audio-visual and marketing materials.
For now, we do not pay our contributors for articles contributed. Same way, we do not charge them, hence the articles are Not-For-profit Making Purposes.
How To Practically Submit Your Article
Simply E-mail articles to the Admin, Gabriel:
NOTE: Articles should be e-mailed as a Microsoft word document attachment, with minimal formatting.
If you need to put links to the text, put them in parenthesis next to the words you want linked – do not embed them in a word document.
No PDF files, please.
Unfortunately, due to the volume of submissions received, we cannot respond to all submissions. If we want to publish your article, we will respond generally within two weeks.
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