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Learn How To Make Money…

In the heat of global confusion and distractions, there is still what to do to stand out from the crowd and make money without stress!

This Blog Post teaches you HOW to become super-rich (Wealthy) in the heat of global recession and confusion without stress!

This blog post, “How To Make Money In The Heat Of Global Confusion (4 Practical Steps)” also showcases WHY you need to become wealthy now regardless of the global economic pandemic attracted by the seeming prevalent COVID-19

To make money in the heat of this prevalent economic pandemic, you need to always ask yourself, “How Do I Make Money In The Heat Of This Global Confusion?”

The truth remains that you to learn How To Add Values Into Lives

However, like I always say, “If you are a busy person like me you would prefer to get the recommended books for this blog post and read them at your own convenience. Below are the two recommended books for further reading on this blog post…

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How To Make Money In The Heat Of Global Confusion (4 Practical Steps)
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cracking the debt code image

Now, let us continue…

The 4 Practical Steps To Take In Order To Make Money In The Heat Of Global Confusion are:


We have missed it because we missed our purposes. Until purpose is discovered, struggling remains the order of the day. Purpose undiscovered is destiny unfulfilled. Purpose not allocated is life not created!

No matter how far you have gone in life in the wrong position/route, purpose discovery will relocate you back to where you belong. Just as the eyes of a blind man is inside the socket unexposed, so is the destiny of a person who has not discovered his/her purpose in life.

Regardless of the seeming wasted years of your life, when you discover the purpose you reconnect to multiple blessings. God brings back all that you have ever lost. Thus, your inheritance is always intact. No devil can take it away from you; for the blessings of the Lord are without repentance.

Beloved, desire to discover your purpose in life, if you have not; then you are missing it.

Vision guarantees your super abundant prosperity on earth.

Stop struggling to make it in life; you did not create yourself. Allow the Manufacturer of man to direct the affairs of man through His manual (the Bible).

There is no solution anywhere, except in God. God releases this solution practically when you locate vision.   

Vision is the unfolding of divine assignment to a mortal. It transcends the shores of mere seeing.   Thus, vision is not just about sight but the discovery of purpose, divine Assignment.

However, purpose discovery is not enough, you need to plan and pursue God`s purpose for your life.     

Hear this: there is no free gift in life, every reward you get has a prize attached to it. If you must win the prize, then, pay the price! No risk, no reward! No battle, no winning! ‘Shikena!’ (Period!)

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Those who want something for nothing will always end up getting nothing in all things. You neither gamble for success nor succeed through gambling. You take practical steps suitable and relevant for your success; and, the glory goes to God, not you.

Money making in reality is a functional exchange of virtues and values. If you do not have something to exchange for money, you end up a failure.

To make money in life, you must sell something; it is either you are selling a product (tangible) or rendering a service.

The key to becoming a National or Global personality is becoming a National or Global problem solver.     

This leads us to step #2…


Those who solve problems make the most of the money in any nation.

It is either you are a problem solver or you are a problem creator. Until you solve problems, you are not permitted to step upwards in life. This is because when you are not part of those solving problems and making news, you must be among the people making noise or talking about both newsmakers and noisemakers. There is no middle point to these.

Problem solvers are news makers. They hit global headlines of newspapers, radio stations or TV programs unsolicited for; even while they are busy enjoying themselves, doing what they like.

Problem solvers, like me, look out for those problems which others hate to solve and solve them.

I read, with gladness of heart, a story of two travelers who went into India those days; one saw a problem: the people were walking bare-footed, while the other saw an opportunity: to go back to his nation, produce footwears, export them to that nation (India), sell to them and become a money maker.

The one who saw a problem felt that the nation was engrossed with poverty and left the country for another; while the other who saw an opportunity executed his plan and became a multi-millionaire in a strange land. He made news by solving their problem. That is exactly how to make it in life!

Maybe, you have been crying to the Lord for solution to that predicament of yours. I bring you good news: God does not send manna from Heaven anymore! He sends ideas! He sends work! Let no one confuse you!


When God said in the book of Malachi 3:10-11, “Bring the tithe into the store house that there may be meat  enough in my house and prove me now herewith if I will not open the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing that there will not be room enough to contain it; and, I will rebuke the devourer for your sake….’’ He was actually talking about the raination of ideas.

When your spirit is connected to the Higher Spirit (God), your spirit activates your entire body with the right steps to take, through your mind/brain (being the seat of wisdom). Thereby making you manifest and connect to divine ideas which will prosper you on earth (Receive wisdom to understand this seeming mystery in Jesus name!).

As you become conscious of this operation, via your soul (will, emotion, and mind), you see yourself taking practical steps towards that idea. In the end, by divine direction, you achieve results that would baffle you.

A divine idea with living proves emanates from God. Ideas are seeds that are to be sown for great rewards. Ideas are likened to a mustard seed.

Just like the Biblical mustard seed, which grows into giant trees, you cannot determine the extent of growth and consequent result and reward that an idea will generate.    

Ideas breed money; ideas are all you need to solve your problems. They are Heavenly seeds to man and must produce in the order of their Source. That is why when the devil gives you a seeming idea, he sees to its destruction and termination. At the end, he takes away your soul in exchange for the shadow he gave you.

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In the same vein, when your ambitious spirit gives you an idea, you end up operating and achieving results with natural limits without Heavenly backup, protection, and provision.

But, when God gives you ideas (Divine ideas), He provides, protects, and prepares you and the ideas for results.

Divine ideas live longer than the ‘receiver’ (the visionary, who receives the idea). Ideas do not die easily, except if they are not from God.

Any idea you get and you are too selfish with it, gets aborted on the way. Yes, it is good to protect your idea from negative thinkers and vision killers; this is because, in the course of running your vision, you need destiny-helpers as you go. Never go alone! This makes the idea to live and last longer.

There are ideas that have existed and have been producing results for more than two hundred years now! Until you add values, you do not have value.

 Ideas, when generated and run with, helps you add values and make money. Therefore, if I were you, I would forget about my crying, complaining, and murmurings and go to God in prayers for the raination of ideas upon me.


Discovering your purpose without planning and pursuit is frustration without discovery. Until you plan and program yourself to achieve the will of God for your life, making it will be with great difficulty.

Purpose without pursuit equals stagnation. God cannot plan and program for you, though He can show you the pattern to follow in achieving His purpose for your life; but the level of your success is a function of what you see and work out (Genesis 13:14-15).

You need to set goals in relation to the actualization of God’s purpose for your life. Make the goal (target) big enough to get God connected to it. This is because setting a small goal that you can easily accomplish might not make you see the need to glorify God after achieving it. But, when it is big enough that it will only take the hand of God to achieve it, it makes you always go back to God for assistance. That’s exactly what God needs from a man.

God cannot give you a vision that will make you take you completely away from Him. He wants you to always consult Him in all things. If not, how do you hope to achieve that purpose when you are not the architect that developed the plan, neither are you the initiator of the plan?

Until God partners with you, struggling continues. May you never struggle anymore in life in Jesus’ name!

Remember, what you see is what you get. The extent of your manifestation on earth is a function of your vision in life.

Until you think, act, and live big, you are not permitted to achieve BIG. A small thought will always result in a small result and vice versa.

You cannot be thinking failure and achieve success; it does not work that way. In the same manner, you cannot be thinking small and achieve big. Change your thought and your life will change automatically. This is sure to happen!

ALSO READ THIS!  Get Inspired With Gabriel C. Onyekawa_The author (Day 3)

 You are a magnet attracting other magnets and metallic objects to yourself. The frequency at which you operate determines the weight of what comes to you. A higher frequency attracts a higher result and a lower frequency attracts a smaller result.

Thus, your plans and programming in life in relation to God’s will (vision) determine the extent and speed of your accomplishment. Start planning and programming now!

Split that big vision which the Lord has given you into smaller units. Know the ones to accomplish first, the ones to accomplish later. Program them according to time, finances, and other related resources.

Remember, failing to plan is planning to fail. Apply leverage! Look out for destiny-helpers and connect to them (That is, the people whom the Lord ordained to assist you in accomplishing that purpose). They are there waiting for your call. Stop doing things alone, life is not a race for one person. Life is a network of people partnering to accomplish a purpose (Genesis 11:6).

But, you must consciously locate your own destiny-helpers. To work with them, you must see them and connect to them.

Until you see, you cannot have. Jeremiah what seethe you thou?’ Everything is available for a take, but you need to see it to have it. The people God has ordained for your help and manifestation in that vision are all available, locate them and work with them, give them a chance to partner with you in that vision; not carnally minded people but, spiritually-minded people.

See you in my next article!

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To Your Success,

Gabriel Onyekawa

(A Google Certified Digital Marketer, Author, Publisher, Blogger, Trainer, and Mentor),

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The Next Thing

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