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How To Build A Business That The World Will Envy
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3 And, I Shall Be Teaching You “…How To Become Super-Innovative, Dynamically Creative And Productive. Guaranteed or Your Money Back!!”

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And, I Shall Be Teaching You “…How To Become Super-Innovative, Dynamically Creative And Productive. Guaranteed or Your Money Back!!”

Are You Having a business and business related problem or challenge?

Are You Retrenched, but seeming hopeless, not knowing which business to start and make money?

Do You need funding (Cash) for your business idea(s)?

Is Your business seemingly stagnated and you seem not to know what to do?

Then, let me help you!

I am Gabriel Onyekawa, a graduate of the School Of Hard Knocks! I do not need to say much about myself because I have previously covered it in my DIGITAL MASTERCLASS write-up.
I once read a life-touching story which was written by one of my mentors: Two motor mechanics run their workshops side by side. The first one appears to struggle with every vehicle that comes to him for repairs. He does not seem to know what to do. Obviously, he does not have adequate knowledge about cars. Everyone who takes his car to him leaves dissatisfied. Soon, word begins to spread that he does not know the job.
The second mechanic is very different. Just by listening to the sound of your car engine running, he can tell what is wrong with it. So without much ado, he bends down to rectify the problem and in no time, the car is in good working condition. So you tell your friends, “I have a mechanic who is such a wonderful craftsman. He can fix any car.” Before long, that motor mechanic begins to make an impact in that environment. Why? He has adequate knowledge of his job!
Hear this: knowledge is what determines the degree of impact anybody makes. The deeper the knowledge, the greater the impact. That is why I make bold to say, the depth of your insight determines the height of your impact”. It is the revelation that culminates into revolution. Your wisdom level gives birth to your wealth level. An impact is a direct result of insight. Adequate and relevant knowledge will always result in strange exploits. The basis for every transformation is information.
Beloved, don’t label yourself unlucky. You are not unlucky. You are not disadvantaged or unfortunate. All that you are suffering today is a special case of IGNORANCE!
Ignorance is a condition of not being informed. It is a condition of lack of knowledge. it means not knowing what to do to overcome a seemingly tough situation. It is being in the dark and being in lack. It means darkness. Ignorance is equal to blindness. And a blind man is not guaranteed of direction. Thus, ignorance is stagnation, motion-less, frustration and may end in starvation and untimely death! God forbid! it shall not be your portion!
There is no mountain anywhere, every man’s ignorance is his mountain. There is no special case anywhere, every man’s ignorance is his special case! You’re not in lack because you’re black, you’re in lack because you’re blind. You’re seemingly poor and struggling because you’re blind. Your case is not impossible! It  only exists because you lack direction based on adequate knowledge.
You’re not a failure because somebody, maybe in your compound, street, marketplace, or village, is against you, you’re a failure because you don’t know what it takes to be a success!
Your CONDITION and POSITION in life are functions of your DECISION. Your DECISION was based on the INFORMATION at your disposal. Your INFORMATION was a sequel to your ASSOCIATION. And ASSOCIATION culminates from the BOOKS you read and THE PEOPLE you associate with.
When you’re not PRODUCTIVE, you end up a PRODUCT-THIEF! Little wonder why you lack INITIATIVE, CREATIVITY and INNOVATIONS. You’ve been busy for years doing what others were doing. I am not surprised that even as the year is coming to an end, you cannot tangibly say that this year was better than last year financially and otherwise. When will you stop being blind? When will you come out of darkness? When will you get the requisite light (Knowledge) for your business, career, ministry and financial breakthrough and favours? (The choice is yours! But, you can decide to come out NOW! And no devil will hold you back! And if I am sent by God to you on this mandate, the last shame stagnation, and frustration you suffered shall be the last forever! Sorry, I am not prophesying over you! I am only trying to let you know that this message is for you, if only you’ll take the next step I will ask you to take.
As part of my mentorship services, I am introducing ABI, a Leadership and Business  Institute. Here, your training shall cover such areas as:
Ideation Analysis
Import-Export Strategies
Supernatural Business Financing
Entreprenuership Breakthrough Skills
Business Ethics And Corporate Responsibilities
Business Legal Systems
Business Communication Skills
International Marketing Strategies
Infoprenuership Skills
Computer Operation Skills
Investments Analysis
Debt Management Principles
Business And Family Life
Leadership and Ministry Growth Strategies
And many others.
QUALIFICATIONS FOR ENROLLMENT: Just Be INTERESTED! hence, you can listen, read, and/or write, you can attend the Institute.
Registration is STRICTLY ONLINE. You can also CALL our Official Phone Number: 09073308104 for inquiries and updates.
I work with a team of practical Infoprenuers, entrepreneurs and lecturers who are leaders in their various fields and will guide you in achieving your business, financial, marketing, ministry and manufacturing goals (Dreams).
At APPLESOFT BUSINESS INSTITUTE, you’ll also learn how to:
Generate uncommon and ever-winning ideas for your vision, dreams, businesses and ministries.
Invest your money where the rich and ever prosperous invest their money.
Lead in your chosen business or career place while others follow.
Manage indebtedness and supernaturally come out of all indebtedness and live a debt-free life, having all the money you will ever need for your business.
Finance any project without borrowing, begging or running helter-skelter for money at any time.
Start and run a successful business or ministry and gainfully employ over 20 persons working harmoniously for you without being cheated or swindled of your money and resources.
Turn your business mistakes to financial miracles.
Make money by solving other people’s problems and challenges.
Make money from what you already know.
Operate the computer system, including laptops and ipads, professionally in less than 48 hours.
Market any product/service and make it a global success in less than no time.
Write business plans, business letters, and communicate in business terms with your clients and potential clients.
Carry out marketing research and produce goods/services that people are ever willing and ready to buy.
Import and export products to China, Germany, USA, Korea, UK, and other parts of the world without traveling, no paper works, no warehouse, no staff, and with little or no money.
Give back to the society, which gave you money and made you wealthy, without harming your vision, business, ministry or career.
Write and publish professional and best-selling books without investing a Kobo. And have your book available in over 30 nations of the world. And many more.
Run a successful ministry, online and offline and lead others sweatlessly, among others.
Hear these: Success in life is not a function of chance, but of choice. Until you choose knowledge, your struggles continue! Life does not answer to luck, it answers to light. Many people have been suffering, waiting for a day when things will get better. But their suffering will not cease until the relevant knowledge (Light) is accessed and put to practical and result-oriented work.
No one succeeds by chance. No one makes things happen by accident. Business and financial success are a function of secrets discovered by conscious decision and effort.
Information is an important way to sharpen the mind. As you expose your mind to information relevant to your field of endeavour, transformation into a man/woman of impact in your finance, business, and ministry becomes inevitable.
When you refuse to change, you end up in chains. God has destined you to be a pace-setter in your business, career, finance, marriage, health etc. But, you need to connect to the relevant information that guarantees your transformation.
The time to watch others beat you in business is over! The time to cry over minor bills like how to pay house rents, buy a new car, build few houses, take your children to the best schools ever, etc is over!
I have handed over to you what it takes to rule in your world. But, until you take practical steps and register for our ABI training program, attend the classes, watch our video files, listen to our audio materials, read our books, e-books, manuals, and other relevant materials, and practically apply them, you might end up in the dark, groping for opportunities while the opportunities are already with you! God forbid!
The world is waiting for your manifestation! Others are making it, you can make it too!
Remember, The program further details shall be communicated to ONLY those who speedily register online before the Batch One closing date. Bonanza: It is TUITION FEE FREE (For the first 20 persons who registered early!). 
Registration is STRICTLY ONLINE. You can also CALL our Official Phone Number: 09073308104 for inquiries and updates.
See You Over The Top! Cheers!
I remain your humble servant,
Founder/President Gabriel Onyekawa Consulting, Gabriel Onyekawa Online Ministries International (GOOMI), Applesoft Business Institute (ABI),
Remember, The program further details shall be communicated to ONLY those who speedily register online before the Batch One closing date. Bonanza: It is TUITION FEE FREE (For the first 20 persons who registered early!). 

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