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Are You In Need Of Cash For Your Business Idea?

Do You Desire To Expand And Grow Your Already Existing Business But It Seems Money Is Your Major Challenge?

Then, this article is for you!

Revealing The Real Capital That God Used In Creating The World

It saddens my heart when I hear people saying that lack of money is the major reason why the didn’t start their businesses and fulfill their purposes on earth.

In such cases, I always ask, “What was the amount of money God used in creating the world? How much did God use in creating the animals? None! Right?

Then, the question remains, “Where did God raise the capital He used in creating the world?

The answer remains that God used REVELATION and WORK to create the world.

May I let you know that insight guarantees impact in life. Revelation is the mother of revolution, on earth. Until you’re loaded, you’re not needed. Until the light of God’s Word locates you, the length of your manifestation is not guaranteed.

No one manifests through prayers alone. You need preparation before prayers. When you locate the right Word from the Scripture, your prayer becomes a commandment. You pray amiss (without receiving your desired answers) because you don’t have revelations.


Greatness is a function of great grace. Grace is what we call, “Anointing”. But, Anointing is a function of revelation. The more revelation you access, the more anointed you become. However, revelation means Spiritual insight. Revelation is greater than information.  Information is of the earth but revelation is Heavenly.

Information is acquired from school of learning, experience, or via books, but, revelation can only come from God, the Creator.

Revelation is the only factor that can help you to make generational input on earth.

Revelation is the major capital every man needs. Stop struggling for money! Go for revelation.

Money is in your mind. The level of your mental development determines the level of your wealth.

Sit down at your own quietness, study the Bible, which is life’s manual, connect to the Holy Spirit, read books that deal with related topics to your challenge, and in less than no time, you’ll be out of that challenge. Many have walked out of the devil that way.

Sometime ago, a lady came to me crying. She just received a text message with a verdict that she would die in seven days. When she came to me, I told her that I don’t pray “Stupid prayers – battling with the devil” for I have a far-above mentality over the devil. I sat her down, gave her five to six Scriptures that contradicts that statement and guarantees her being alive. She smiled. Without prayers, she is still alive till forever!

No devil has the power to cut short your life in Jesus name! I prophesy over your life that you shall not die casually in Jesus name! Go for revelations!


How Can You Acquire Revelation?

Crave For It: Until you desire it, you don’t deserve it, you must consciously hunger and taste for revelation to access it.

Pray for God’s Divine Direction: Pray that God will connect you through His Holy Spirit to the resources (Human and material) where you will access revelation.

However these should not substitute the Bible. The Bible is still the Book of books.

Study and listen:  Buy anointed books and study. Listen to messages on CDs, DVD, MP3 devices, etc. There will definitely be a transfer of the grace of the author/ preacher to you as you consciously study or listen respectively.

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You can also get a comprehensive and all-in-one information on this subject, by INSTANTLY DOWNLOADING my e-book entitled, “Secrets Of Business Breakthrough” (CLICK HERE! or click the picture below). If you’re outside Nigeria, get my Paperback and E-Books through Amazon (CLICK HERE NOW!)

Secrets Of Business Breakthrough
Secrets Of Business Breakthrough

P.S: As a top-rated Blogger, Business Growth Strategist, Author, Publisher, Word Press Geek, Internet Marketer, and Digital Journalism Expert, I can help you solve ALL your Blogging and Website needs. Why not HIRE ME now! CLICK HERE NOW!

To Your Success,

Gabriel Onyekawa,

Business Growth Blogger


Gabriel Onyekawa Consulting

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what you before you fall in love

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