Anchor Scripture
“But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day”.
To shine is to accomplish the purpose of God for your life. But, until purpose is discovered, problems and potential casual death become the order of the day.
Purpose, when discovered, makes life have true meaning of accomplishment.
The discovery of purpose is termed, “Vision”.
Vision is thus an insight into the future vis-à-vis the stipulations of the Scripture. It is the pictures of the Scripture that unravel the picture of our future to us.
Until you locate vision, your path in life remains in obscurity. Little wonder why many die in ignorance.
Many today, die in shame and silence because they don’t understand their visions in life. They end up pursuing another man’s vision only to discover late in life that they only existed but never lived.
For you to maximize your destiny, you need vision. Discover your purpose. Pursue your purpose. And end up a celebrity on earth. Don’t just add to the numerical population of the world; be a destiny-helper! For the earnest expectation of the world is for the manifestation of the sons of God! Don’t be left out! Discover your purpose today and live a fulfilled life on earth.
People are perished for lack of vision. They lack the requisite light(insight, knowledge, and revelation) for a glorious manifestation. The path of greatness is the path of manifestation. Manifestation is not guaranteed until vision is located and pursued!
See you in my next article! I Shall Be Discussing The Newly Discovered Ways Of Locating Your Purpose In Life!
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To Your Success,
Gabriel C. Onyekawa (a.k.a Mr. APPLESOFT)
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