Gabriel Onyekawa

Commanding Wealth Through Entrepreneurship…How To Build A Business That The World Will Envy

Commanding Wealth Through Entrepreneurship…How To Build A Business That The World Will Envy

$4.99eBook: $4.99

If you have ever desired to start, manage, grow, and sustain a profitable business or career, this is the BEST book to read in order to access the requisite knowledge needed for your supernatural manifestation!

Logically speaking, setting up a business should be an exciting process. But, without the right information, it can also be a nightmare.

This book contains the major principles of modern entrepreneurship. It showcases the cardinal rules for achieving the wealth and freedom you ever desired so as to live the lifestyle of your dream.

Therefore, if you sincerely want to become wealthy through entrepreneurship, read through this book immediately! Otherwise, you will probably spend endless years groping in entrepreneurial darkness, drifting like a ship without a compass.

Join me now as you discover how to start, manage, grow and run a productive, profitable and sustainable business. Instead of your business running you!

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Commanding Wealth Through Entrepreneurship…How To Build A Business That The World Will Envy
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In Pursuit Of Love…How To Attract And Sustain The Opposite Sex For A Sustainable Marriage

In Pursuit Of Love…How To Attract And Sustain The Opposite Sex For A Sustainable Marriage

$4.99eBook: $4.99

Want to find out How To ATTRACT And SUSTAIN The Opposite Sex For A SUSTAINABLE MARRIAGE? I would be exposing that in the next few pages of this book. However, if you are about to tie the nuptial knot with someone, do not go any further, until you read this book thoroughly.

It all started many years ago, when I made up my mind to choose a wife for myself. I never knew that I was doing it out of ignorance because I knew nothing about marriage then, except the glimpses of pictures I saw in my parents’ marriage and that of closer neighbours. The truth was that most of these pictures were pictures of unsuccessful marriages rather than successful ones. I made my mistakes in the process. These mistakes I would not like you to make. Hence, the need for this masterpiece.
Severally, I entered into seeming relationships that I thought would lead to a sustainable marriage, but, in all I was wrong!
I remembered on one occasion, on a prayer ground, my only prayer was, “Lord, I need a wife!” On that same ground, I met a lady, fair in complexion, with all the curves in the right places, fluent in English, and well adored. I felt that God had answered my prayers “Sharp! Sharp!!”. I foresaw a sustainable marriage; but, I was wrong!

I approached her, “toasted her” and presented my “Manifesto” to her. She was almost accepting my proposal, when she voiced out, “Let me pray about it; and get back to you!” Though, this was in the pretense of being a godly lady, when in actual sense, she was not even born again. Meanwhile, that statement later manifested as blessing to me rather than delay or disappointment.

I waited patiently, amidst lavishing my money on her, in the name of ‘Treasure”. I did one significant thing during that period! I decided to research on her. Guess what I discovered? She was a mother with a son of about three (3) years old, as at then; she had no intention of disclosing it to me, maybe, until after wedding.
How did I get to know about her undisclosed secret?

In this masterpiece, I shall be revealing to you How To ATTRACT And SUSTAIN The Opposite Sex For A SUSTAINABLE MARRIAGE. I shall also teach you how to assess the opposite sex, not with an eye of romance alone, but with rational reasoning and pragmatic logic, among other related stuffs.

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In Pursuit Of Love…How To Attract And Sustain The Opposite Sex For A Sustainable Marriage
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Cracking The Debt Code: How To Supernaturally Come Out Of Debts And Live A Debt-Free Life

Cracking The Debt Code: How To Supernaturally Come Out Of Debts And Live A Debt-Free Life

$4.99eBook: $4.99

Businesses crumble because of debt. Husbands nag because they are in great debt and the pressure on them is becoming high. They, in turn, transfer their aggressions to their wives, family members and every person in contact. But, it should not be so!

I was also guilty of this. I was humiliated by the negative forces of debts. I was embarrassed severally because I owed people.

However, beyond every bitter leaf is a palatable leaf for a delicious meal. Behind every pain is gain. Those who have learnt to confront challenges head-long have learnt to transform pain into gain. When life kicks you from behind, though you may fall, but, pick something good up! Nobody will know that you actually felled. This great best-selling book, "Cracking The Debt Code" is what I picked up from the experiences I got from my admission into the School of debt. I have graduated and today, I present to you my findings…

Hear me; I have been liberated from the shackles of indebtedness! Therefore, I stand as a liberator to the entire world from these ugly forces of debts.

I do not wish to proffer theoretical solutions which have no practical reality. I proffer practical solutions.

Remain blessed as you follow me practically on this trip.

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Cracking The Debt Code: How To Supernaturally Come Out Of Debts And Live A Debt-Free Life
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Strategies For Business Exploits : How To Win In Business Regardless Of Competitors

Strategies For Business Exploits : How To Win In Business Regardless Of Competitors

$4.99eBook: $4.99

How Do You Build A Business That Works Predictably, Effortlessly, And Profitably Each And Every Day?

How Do You Build A Business That Works Without You?

How Do You Get Free Of Your Business To Live A Fuller Life?

Get The Right Answers And More In this practical BUSINESS book!

In this book you will LEARN:

  • The mindset of an entrepreneur, entrepreneurship success skills and the contemporary entrepreneur.
  • How to generate ideas that work
  • How to gather materials, write and develop a professional BUSINESS PLAN.
  • Practical steps to launching your own business.
  • How to choose a saleable business name/business location.
  • How to develop a winning marketing strategy and skyrocket your sales by over 3000% in less than 3 weeks
  • How to raise capital (Money) for your business or project without borrowing or begging.
  • How to register your own business/company without a Lawyer or Chartered Accountant.
  • How to craft corporate vision statement, mission statement and core values.
  • Corporate branding strategy
  • Business Management Success Strategies
  • How to engage the God factor for Business Success.
  • Signs that your business is about to crash and how to overcome business failures and run a failure-proof business without struggling.

The following objectives shall also be covered in this book, among others:

  • To teach all readers that God initiated Business and every Business must be run according to the dictates of the pictures of the Scripture or it is bound to crumble in the course of time.
  • To teach readers that there are strategic steps to take in setting up, efficiently and effectively running a sustainable and profitable Business.
  • To practically teach the readers the Covenant steps to take in preparing a business plan and carrying out feasibility studies.
  • Among others.
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Strategies For Business Exploits : How To Win In Business Regardless Of Competitors
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Wisdom Matrix…In The Words Of Gabriel C. Onyekawa And Others

Wisdom Matrix…In The Words Of Gabriel C. Onyekawa And Others

$4.99eBook: $4.99

Wisdom Matrix is one book you cannot afford to miss! This is because regardless of your seeming challenges and problems, this book has a word for you!

Just ONE WORD is all you need to solve your needs. Thus, the whole words might not be for you but when you locate your own word, every closed door against you, your business, your career, your marriage, among others will be forced open!

Enjoy the trip!

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Wisdom Matrix…In The Words Of Gabriel C. Onyekawa And Others
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Opportunity, The Haughty goddess: An African Novel

Opportunity, The Haughty goddess: An African Novel

$4.99eBook: $4.99

Night can be horrible at times, but the night of June 12, 1993 to me was worse than that. In the first instance, it was as long as though it was never going to break or should I say that the day was afraid, better still, ashamed to show her face. But for occasional hooting of the owls and dog barks, which were almost dead silence that a drop of pin could have easily been heard. I could not imagine what it was that woke me up. My most reliable companion under such a dreadful circumstance, my little world receiver transistor radio got my hope crashed as I could not ascertain what time it was, judging by its broadcasting as I tuned it on because everything to me was a dirge.

Ironically, Kelvin my friend who was about some inches away was snoring his life away.
“How could I wake him up, when he had on several occasion warned me against interrupting his sleep unless on a very serious matter, or for emergency”?

I sighed heavily and he turned, I thought he was awake only to see him shifting further, in a matter of seconds, the snoring resumed, leaving me to face my ordeal alone.

Could I ever overcome this sleeplessness? This question was too hard a nut to untangle at that very moment.
I picked up my pillow to try another chance out; it pricked alongside my mattress. I later gave up, stood up and opted to grope for fresh air. Only then was I able to unravel the mystery of my restlessness. I had so much messed up my life that redeeming it once more could never be without much difficulty. What was I to do?

Find out in this novel the complete story.

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Opportunity, The Haughty goddess: An African Novel
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Changed By The Word

Changed By The Word

$2.99eBook: $2.99

When God thunders His voice, everything and everyone hears. God's Word guarantees our manifestation on earth. His Words secure our destinies. His Word turns around our businesses from frustration to manifestation. We enjoy protection and health by His Words In this book, Gabriel C. Onyekawa unveils some mysteries from the Word of God. This book is a revolutionary guide to a world of unlimited and noiseless breakthroughs on earth. You can't afford to miss this copy Now!!! Dare it!

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Changed By The Word
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The Love That Speaks

The Love That Speaks

$4.99eBook: $4.99

YOUR PARTNER IS NOT THE ISSUE. THE ISSUE IS YOU. Are you angry at the way love has jilted you? At your partner for seemingly deceiving you? Or, are you angry at yourself for not taking control of your relationship sooner? Life is tough! Love is tough! The question is, "What are you going to do about it? Moaning and groaning about your partner or blaming others won't secure your relationship. If you want a healthy relationship, you need to create it. You need to take charge of your relationship by taking control of it today! You need "The Love That Speaks!" This book unveils to you the mysteries behind true love. It transcends the shores of mere facts and gives you the substance that make love to stand and speak, no matter the circumstances. You too can partake of these secrets! Grab your copy NOW!!!

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The Love That Speaks
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How To Write Your Own Book And Publish It Without Spending A Kobo

How To Write Your Own Book And Publish It Without Spending A Kobo

oday, money is easily made at the speed of thought. In this manual, I want to expose you to one of the greatest money makers of our generation. The third fastest money maker in the world: Information Products. This exposition is based on the seminar presented on Thursday, the 19th of November, 2009. It was entitled, “HOW TO WRITE YOUR OWN BOOK AND PUBLISH IT WITHOUT SPENDING A KOBO”. Thus, if you desire to become an author, having best-selling books globally, then, you need this book! You can't afford to miss it!

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How To Write Your Own Book And Publish It Without Spending A Kobo
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Cracking The Wealth Code : Guide To Growing Wealthy In The Face Of Famine

Cracking The Wealth Code : Guide To Growing Wealthy In The Face Of Famine

$5.99eBook: $5.99

Do you know that you can be born again and still suffer frustrations? Do you know that you can be born again and still suffer again?

In this book, “CRACKING THE WEALTH CODE”, the author, Gabriel Onyekawa, presents, vividly, a graphical picture of how to grow extremely wealthy in the face of untold challenges and famine.
This book is therefore anointed to announce your breakthrough and glory to the world. It shall help you pray wisely, act creatively and rule in the midst of troubles.
It is a mandate and an ark of rescue for all those who will read it, study it, and meditate upon its contents and substances. Thus, you need to believe and practice the contents; for this will ignite and/or elevate your hope in God for consequent results. This book therefore contains adequate revelation for your gross manifestation.
You need this book if you must excel, if you must shine. This book will teach you The Ultimate Keys To Growing Wealthy In The Face Of Untold Problems, Challenges and Hardship.

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Cracking The Wealth Code : Guide To Growing Wealthy In The Face Of Famine
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Money Making Mistakes

Money Making Mistakes

$2.99eBook: $2.99

Are you looking for proven ways that allow you to make money without stress?
Are you indebted and it seems that there is no way out of the seeming challenge?
Have you ever been frustrated being out of cash and no one is actually coming to your aide?

Below is what I have noticed by experience and research...

We all start out somehow expecting that we would end up wealthy. Unfortunately, as we get older and add years to our lives, we naturally believe that we should add value. But, it is not always so!

Waking up someday, we realize suddenly that our expectations are far from our realities. What do we do next? This book has solutions. It is a process that leads to unending and sweatless wealth. It is full of practical steps.

This book, “Money Making Mistakes”, teaches you what to do for your financial dreams to come to fruition.

Bill Gates once said, “If you are born poor it’s not your mistake, but if you die poor it’s your mistake”.

Another wiseacre also altered that anointing soon turns into annoyance when there is no money.

Can you afford to miss this book? I doubt!

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Money Making Mistakes
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Mistakes Unmarried Ladies Make That Keep Them Single…Why You’re Not Married And How To Get Married On Your Own Terms

Mistakes Unmarried Ladies Make That Keep Them Single…Why You’re Not Married And How To Get Married On Your Own Terms

$5.99eBook: $5.99

Foundations determine the strength, structure and design of buildings in architectural designs. In the same vein, the structure and status of your marital destiny are dependent on the foundations you laid before now.

No problem is without a causative factor. Of course, no problem is a special one!

You are single, not because there are no good men to marry. You are single, not because you are not ordained to be married gloriously. You are single, yet to be married, because you lack adequate insight for attracting and sustaining your ordained spouse.

This book teaches you HOW and many other related issues.

Fortunately, the Scripture offers direction and wisdom for every problem and obstacle in the world. The Scripture teaches even how to date and how to find your soul mate. Unfortunately, today, singles search for love in lots of places without any tangible result.

However, searching for your dream husband does not have to be a nightmare, but it can be if you do not have adequate insight and take concrete steps.

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Mistakes Unmarried Ladies Make That Keep Them Single…Why You’re Not Married And How To Get Married On Your Own Terms
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Commanding Wealth Through Entrepreneurship

Commanding Wealth Through Entrepreneurship

$7.99eBook: $7.99

Thank you for your interest in buying this book. You made the best decision!

In this book, you will learn...

The fundamentals of entrepreneurship

The mindset of an entrepreneur

Business dynamics

How to raise capital for your business without borrowing or begging

What a business system is and how to build one

What a business vision is and how to generate a business vision

Hidden reasons why most businesses fail and how to overcome business failures without stress

How to establish your strategic supremacy in any business

Among others.

...You will never regret buying this book! (Mark my words!)

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Commanding Wealth Through Entrepreneurship
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What I Wished I’d Known Before Starting My First Business (Paperback)

What I Wished I’d Known Before Starting My First Business (Paperback)

$14.95eBook: $7.45

It is quite unfortunate that many business people struggle in futility trying to solve their business problems. But, they know they can’t solve these problems on their own. They need a guide. This book offers you the guidance you need in your business. You need a BUSINESS GUIDE who will help you rebrand your mindset on how to successfully navigate the ship of your brand (Business or product). You need THIS BOOK! “What I Wished I’d Known Before Starting My First Business” reveals in a nutshell,

The lies they told you about business.

How to spot a fake business that can spoil your name, waste your money, deplete your energy, and mar your integrity.

Why do so few businesses grow and become profitable?

A COMPLETE breakdown of what business is that no business school will teach you.

27 uncommon ways to easily organize yourself for business success and make money on auto-pilot.

24 reasons your customers/clients are leaving you and how to bulletproof yourself from such.

And lots more!

Use these timeless principles and establish strategic supremacy in the marketplace, anywhere, anytime, around the globe, and thank me later!

For More FREE and PREMIUM BUSINESS Information, check out:

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What I Wished I’d Known Before Starting My First Business By Gabriel Onyekawa

What I Wished I’d Known Before Starting My First Business By Gabriel Onyekawa

$19.99eBook: $9.99

It is quite unfortunate that many business people struggle in futility trying to solve their business problems. But, they know they can’t solve these problems on their own. They need a guide. This book offers you the guidance you need in your business.

You need a BUSINESS GUIDE who will help you rebrand your mindset on how to successfully navigate the ship of your brand (Business or product).

You need THIS BOOK!

 “What I Wished I’d Known Before Starting My First Business” reveals in a nutshell,

The lies they told you about business.

 How to spot a fake business that can spoil your name, waste your money, deplete your energy, and mar your integrity.

 Why do so few businesses grow and become profitable?

 A COMPLETE breakdown of what business is that no business school will teach you.

 27 uncommon ways to easily organize yourself for business success and make money on auto-pilot.

 24 reasons your customers/clients are leaving you and how to bulletproof yourself from such.

 And lots more!

Use these timeless principles and establish strategic supremacy in the marketplace, anywhere, anytime, around the globe, and thank me later!

For More FREE and PREMIUM BUSINESS Information, check out:

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What I Wished I’d Known Before Starting My First Business By Gabriel Onyekawa
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HUSTLERS MANUAL: The Smartest Way To Start And Run Your Own Business, Anywhere, Anytime

HUSTLERS MANUAL: The Smartest Way To Start And Run Your Own Business, Anywhere, Anytime

$2.99eBook: $2.99

Are you tired of the traditional 9-to-5 grind? Do you dream of financial independence and the freedom to work from anywhere in the world? Look no further than "Hustlers Manual: The smartest way to start and run your own business anywhere, anytime" by Gabriel Onyekawa.

In this game-changing e-book, Gabriel Onyekawa shares his proven strategies and insider secrets to help you kickstart your entrepreneurial journey and pave your path to success. Whether you're a budding entrepreneur or an experienced business owner, this manual is packed with invaluable wisdom that will transform the way you approach business.

Learn how to identify lucrative opportunities, create a solid business plan, and leverage technology to launch your venture with confidence. Gabriel Onyekawa provides step-by-step guidance on building your brand, developing a profitable online presence, and maximizing your revenue streams. Discover the power of automation, outsourcing, and smart systems that will allow you to scale your business while maintaining your freedom.

But it doesn't stop there. "Hustlers Manual" dives deep into the mindset of a successful entrepreneur. Uncover the secrets to cultivating a success-oriented mindset, overcoming challenges, and staying motivated throughout your entrepreneurial journey. Gabriel Onyekawa shares his personal stories of triumphs and failures, providing valuable lessons that will inspire and empower you to push past obstacles and achieve greatness.

What sets "Hustlers Manual" apart is its practicality. Every concept and strategy shared in this book is backed by real-world examples and actionable advice. Whether you're interested in starting an online business, exploring the world of e-commerce, or becoming a digital nomad, this manual equips you with the tools and knowledge to thrive in the ever-evolving business landscape.

It's time to break free from the conventional and embrace a life of entrepreneurial freedom. Don't miss out on this opportunity to learn from one of the brightest minds in business. Get your hands on "Hustlers Manual: The smartest way to start and run your own business anywhere, anytime" and unlock your true potential today.

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HUSTLERS MANUAL: The Smartest Way To Start And Run Your Own Business, Anywhere, Anytime
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