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The long awaited best-selling book, “Mistakes Unmarried Ladies Make That Keep Them Single…Why You’re Not Married And How To Get Married On Your Own Term by Gabriel Onyekawa” is now on sale on Amazon, Barnes and Nobles and over 200 digital bookstores world wide.

Mistakes Unmarried Ladies Make That Keep Them Single image

Hear these; foundations determine the strength, structure and design of buildings in architectural designs. In the same vein, the structure and status of your marital destiny are dependent on the foundations you laid before now.

No problem is without a causative factor. Of course, no problem is a special one!

You are single, not because there are no good men to marry. You are single, not because you are not ordained to be married gloriously. You are single, yet to be married, because you lack adequate insight for attracting and sustaining your ordained spouse.

This book teaches you HOW and many other related issues.

Fortunately, the Scripture offers direction and wisdom for every problem and obstacle in the world. The Scripture teaches even how to date and how to find your soul mate. Unfortunately, today, singles search for love in lots of places without any tangible result.         

However, searching for your dream husband does not have to be a nightmare, but it can be if you do not have adequate insight and take concrete steps.

In this insightful book, Gabriel Onyekawa, the mentor of Entrepreneurs, has come to solve the problem of over-due singlehood among our ladies in today’s world.

In addition, in this book, “MISTAKES UNMARRIED LADIES MAKE THAT KEEP THEM SINGLE…Why You’re Not Yet Married And How To Get Married On Your Own Terms”, I have come to solve the seeming issue of people not getting married on their own terms.

Therefore, if you have ever cried to God for a life-partner, this book is for you.

ALSO READ THIS!  3 Alarming Questions Before Marriage (#2 Will Blow Your Mind!)

Also, if you have gone into a wrong relationship, got heart-broken instead of finding real love and enjoying sustainable relationship, this book is a MUST read.

Maybe you think that you have long been due for marriage, but in the eyes of God, you have not yet started the process of preparing for marriage. Do not be surprise! The contents of this masterpiece will shock you!

You simply cannot afford not reading and practicing the contents of this book.

Feel free to order more copies and share them with your friends, family members and well-wishers.

To Your Success,

Gabriel Onyekawa,

Author & Publisher

Lesson One


On the 13th of August, 2019, the eve of my birthday, a young lady who has severally approached me for prayers in order to get married, came again with the same prayer point; I became Spiritually unhappy, psychologically traumatized, and physically more-concerned, upon hearing her cries.

I went further to, bluntly, inform her, “You don’t need prayers; what you need is a paradigm shift in your mindset…”

To permanently put an end to her seeming woes, I was divinely led to write this book.

Instead of praying for her, I had to give her several tips on how to attract a man for marriage, when you like him; especially, when the man’s only interest is to “enter your Jerusalem” and “eat your forbidden fruit” (Note: Any “fruit” eaten unripe is a “forbidden fruit” Receive grace to understand this statement!) These were the facts I shared with her …

Reason #7

Focusing on the Size of a Man’s Pen*s Instead Of the Size of His Purpose

It is no longer a hidden fact that most ladies focus on the size of a suitors manhood (Pen*s) instead of his manners.

Many people erroneously believe that the size of a man’s manhood is what makes him a man.

Quote me anywhere, the size of a man’s manhood is not as important as his purpose. If you choose the size of a man’s pen*s over the size of his purpose, you will soon be enjoying the pen*s on an empty stomach and in a frustrated marital life. Of course, where there is no food, a man’s sexual performance goes down (Men can tell you better!)

I know a lady who was busy searching for a big-sized manhood as a major determinant for her to marry. Up till today, as I write, she is not yet married. Men? She has dated a lot! Sex? She has had more than enough! Suitors? They flood her like a water fall! Marriage? Not yet (For more than three years since she told me of her ‘preparedness’ and ‘readiness’ for marriage.

ALSO READ THIS!  Your Confession Begets Your Manifestation

Are you one of them? You need a rethink; maybe a little ‘mental over-hauling will do!’

Hear me; your marriage will be honourable when the bed is undefiled, especially before and after marriage (Of course, before marriage, you do not have any marital bed yet!). But, the seed of fornication will always beget the fruit of corruption in your future marriage. Stop fornicating around in guise of searching for the matchable manhood. God is not an auto of confusion; get married to the right man first and God who created the manhood will resize, reshape or even divinely exchange his manhood to suit your “Jerusalem”. This is a mystery!

Supporting these facts, Tim and Beverly LaHaye (1998:20-22) in their best-selling book, “The Act Of Marriage” noted the following:

The only prohibition on sex in the Scripture relates to extramarital or premarital activity….God is the creator of sex. He set our human drives in motion, not to torture men and women, but to bring them enjoyment and fulfillment….the best lovemaking in the world is not limited to beautiful people or two with perfectly sculpted bodies. It is at its best when two healthy lovers, more interested in satisfying their partner’s needs than their own, approach their marriage bed without guilt. That is why virtue is the best preparation for marriage, and why faithfulness throughout the relationship is so enriching. God’s plan was for one man and one woman to share the ecstasy of that experience only with each other. …

I will stop so far. Feel free to ORDER YOUR COPIES FROM AMAZON, Barnes & Nobles, among others!

See you in my next blog post.

Still having financial problems or business development challenge? I can mentor you through my NGO, “Gabriel Onyekawa Mentorship Program (GOMP)” Connect with me through WhatsApp: 09073308104.

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ALSO READ THIS!  14 Top Secrets Every Entrepreneur Ought To Know And Trade With

To Your Success,

Gabriel Onyekawa

Best-Selling Author,

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The Next Thing

Though I still have a lot to write on this topic but I hope you learnt something new from this blog post. More importantly, I want you to apply practically all I have been able to teach you via this blog post.

Right now, I want to know what you think.

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