But my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.

Philippians 4:19

The choices we make in life determine who we become on earth and what we inherit at the end: Heaven or Earth.

Our choices inform our decisions. Our decisions translate into action and action guarantee manifestation.

You are not a failure because life is hard. You are a failure because you lack an understanding.

Stop blaming the devil! Stop blaming the government! Stop blaming your parents! Stop complaining about your inability to get formal education! The devil is not powerful as he claims (See: Romans 13:1): “Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God; the powers that be are ordained of God”.

Your choice determines your lot!

I read a fascinating story from the book ”Be The Best” by Matthew Ashimolowo that illustrates this fact. Hear him:

In Ancient Africa, the story is told of a man who owned slaves and one of his slaves was known as the chief, the head of the slaves, close to him and more like a son. On the man’s death, he willed everything and said his son was to take only one item but the slave was to take everything.

The slave was excited and happy and started celebrating, dancing, to the African drums before the day when the son would make his choice. The son thought his father was wicked and how could he instruct that he only take one item?


In his confusion, he met an elder who told him there was a hidden blessing in his father’s will. The day came for the son to make a choice, the slave was waiting for the one item the son would now choose and then everything would pass on to him.

The son thanked his father for bestowing upon him the opportunity to choose first and chose one item. He chose the slave and with that choice he had everything the slave owned.

Thus, your choice determines your lot in life. Choose Christ today and end the crisis in your life!

THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK: Who you follow determines who follows you. What you choose determines what you have. Until you make the right choice, you remain in frustration, stagnation, and retrogression. God forbid! Choose Christ today!

REMEMBER THIS: Your choice determines your lot!

ASSIGNMENTS: 1. Today, make a list of your friends, meditate on each one of them. De-friend those who lead you to evil. Keep them at alms length. Pray for their repentance in your closet.

  1. Make a new list of potential friends that have what it takes to move your destiny forward. Strategize on how to connect to them.

FOR FURTHER UNDERSTANDING: Order for the books written by GABRIEL C. ONYEKAWA: 1. Money In The 21st Century from AMAZON.COM

  1. The 24th Law Of Love

Note: If you need assistance on purchasing from amazon, call: +234 803 933 5121

THIS WEEKS PRAYER POINT: Lord, cause me to make the right choices in life henceforth in Jesus name!

ALSO READ THIS!  Hidden Things You Need To Know About MONEY (A Practical Revelation)

I PROPHESY OVER YOU NOW! Every force holding your destiny down to failure, I curse them to wither now and let you go forward in Jesus name! (Just type “Amen” at the comment box and claim it. You can also post your questions there for me to reply).

READING FOR THE WEEK: Jeremiah 29:11, Philippians 4:8, Jeremiah 1:5, Joshua 1:8

QUOTE: Your choice determines your lot!

REFERENCES: 1. The Bible (King James Version)

  1. “Be The Best” by Matthew Ashimolowo

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