What You Need To Know About A Business Plan image
What You Need To Know About A Business Plan image

A business plan is a rudder that guides businesses into profiting. It is the systematic programming of a business. It structures the activities of a business and makes activities easier in execution.

To make it in business, you need to have a professionally written business plan. This will guide the activities of the organization and direct it into success.

Set a business plan with which to run the divine idea you received unto the path of profiting (However, while doing this, listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit operating in you).

Planning is one of the first practical steps in the pursuit of vision. Failure to plan is planning to fail.

Planning sets the pace for setting the extent of a vision, achieving it, and measuring the achieved result against the targeted goal/objective.  Until you have a target, you become a target for failure and stagnation.

Planning involves goal-setting. A goal moves you into action. It makes you get MAD (Motivated, Aggressive and Determined) in accomplishing a purpose.

A life without goal makes you a goat. A life without target makes you the target. Imagine a football match where there is no goal-post, when will the match end? Imagine a race without a targeted ending point, how do you determine the winner?

In this year, what is your financial goal? How much precisely do you hope to achieve in the next year, five years from now, fifty years from now?

If you already have a financial goal, how do you hope to achieve it? What are the definite and concrete practical steps you hope to take to accomplish your financial goal?

ALSO READ THIS!  THE PATH TO GREATNESS…Minor Steps That Culminate Into MAJOR Accomplishments!

What marketing strategies do you hope to adopt to achieve the goal? How many employees do you hope to employ to aggressively and successfully run the system? 

Hear me: Discovering your purpose without planning and pursuit is frustration without discovery. Until you plan and program yourself to achieve the will of God for your life, making it will be with great difficulty.

Purpose without pursuit equals stagnation. God cannot plan and program for you, though He can show you the pattern to follow in achieving His purpose for your life; but the level of your success is a function of what you see and work out (Genesis 13:14-15).

You need to set goals in relation to the actualization of God’s purpose for your life. Make the goal (target) big enough to get God connected to it. This is because setting a small goal which you can easily accomplish might not make you to see the need to glorify God after achieving it.

But, when it is big enough that it will only take the hand of God to achieve it, it makes you to always go back to God for assistance. That is exactly what God needs from man. Thus, be determined! Know what you actually want in life! Think big. And soonest, you shall be a wonder to your world. God is a God of wonders (Exodus 15:11).

Split that big vision which the Lord has given you into smaller units. Know the ones to accomplish first, the ones to accomplish later. Program them according to time, finances and other related resources.

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Any vision that is not started becomes abandoned and when vision is not realized, it leads to frustration. To begin small and be able to continue to the end is the mark of progress (Abioye; 2009:25)

Remember, failing to plan is planning to fail.

See you in my next blog post.

Still having financial problems or business development challenge? I can mentor you through my NGO, “Gabriel Onyekawa Mentorship Program (GOMP)” Connect with me through WhatsApp: 09073308104.

To Your Success,

Gabriel Onyekawa

Best-Selling Author,

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The Next Thing

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