how to write your own book and publish it without spending a kobo
how to write your own book and publish it without spending a kobo


Imagine a world filled with abundance, yet we die and languish in shame, stagnation, poverty and penury

Imagine the amount of money being floated by different banks, yet we have no justifiable cash at hand.

Nigeria is said to be blessed with abundant resources, yet we struggle to make both ends meet. What a shame!!!

This night, as I was writing, I imagined the number of persons who toil day and night yet having nothing to show for their sweat. I visualized the number of people who are in the prison custodies that are rottening away because of lack of money to bail them. Remember that some of them are not guilty of any crime. They were humiliated because they were poor.

I thought about those in the various hospitals, who couldn’t pay their hospital bills just because of poverty.

The Bible acknowledges that the wisdom of the poor man is irrelevant, even when what he says is right.

When will poverty end?

Like a spark of light upon me, I shouted, “Poverty MUST end in my life this night!!!”. Immediately, thoughts of liberation came to my mind. I felt that by extension, you should be mad at poverty and end it now.

Poverty is not welcomed in your life. It is an orphan who stays wherever it is welcomed. The reason for my writing this article is to pop up your mind to see reasons why poverty must end now.

For how long will you keep on struggling? For how long will you keep toiling, yet at the end of the year, you have nothing to show for your sweat? For how long will you be a victim of debt, poverty and frustration? For how long?

Until you open your eyes and see reasons why you must change position, you are not a candidate for prosperity. Until you accept responsibilities for where you are and what you have today, you are not permitted to make it in life. The reason why you are where you are for years is because you have been repeating the same process for a long time. Until you change the way you think and do things, you are not permitted to have tangible results.

ALSO READ THIS!  How To Make Money Online (Part 2)

Yesterday’s solutions cannot be applied to today’s problems. What worked in the Agrarian or industrial age might not work in the information age.

A lot of us still do things: transact businesses, dispense services to customers and clients, speak and act as if we are still in the industrial age. Those solutions that you applied and they worked in Agrarian or industrial ages might not work in this present information age.

You need to wake up from slumber!

Do things the information age pattern and you achieve the information age result! Period! Today, money is being made at the speed of thought.

In this article, I want to expose you to one of the greatest money makers of our generation. The third fastest money maker in the world is the Information Products.

This exposition is based on the seminar presented on Thursday, the 19th of November, 2009, which I later published as an e-book entitled, HOW TO WRITE YOUR OWN BOOK AND PUBLISH IT WITHOUT SPENDING A KOBO”. To Get Your Own Copy Of The E-Book, CLICK HERE or the e-book cover below:

how to write your own book and publish it without spending a kobo
how to write your own book and publish it without spending a kobo


Sequel to my years of experience in book writing, I present these steps, as a SURE GUIDE to successful writing career:

Be Passionate

Without passion, a book will only have “bones” and no “flesh”. The top secret behind every best-selling or fast selling book is passion. Until you are passionate about a situation, you cannot write well. Your solutions will become irrelevant because they have no “Emotion” in them. Passion will make you see opportunities where others see threats and weaknesses. Passion can create a book out of you. Assuming you just heard that somebody has been raped. Passion can make you feel for the person and fight for him in writing. You seek out ways of curbing the menace of rape in the society. This makes you an author of a book. Make sure that there is a good reason for you to write. Discover the reasons why you must write.

ALSO READ THIS!  How To Discover Your Purpose on Earth

Ransack Your Brains

What are those thoughts that readily come to mind when you imagine a situation: positive or negative. Put them down on any sheet of paper or any of your writing materials.

View Those Points And Organize Them Into Topics

Itemize the topics of the book you want to write. This gives you insights into what the title of your book will be. Some writers create their titles first before writing. The topics form the title of my book. I like writing on scraps.

Create The Title of Your Book

This helps you in the development of those topics. In the writing of the topics, you will see that your focus will be on how what you are writing is in line with the title of your book. Remember, books that start with, “How to…” Somehow easily become hot cakes.

Dear, if you are considering writing your own book, give it such titles as:

  • How to make money online.
  • Quick ways to make money online.
  • Absolutely unbreakable tips for making money online
  • Reliable secrets of success.
  • Make millions printing recharge cards
  • Create your own wealth
  • Instant money maker
  • Surefire way of hitting it big in business
  • Strategies for success Internet wealth secrets exposed
  • Get rich rearing cattle. Start with what you have.
  • Ideas for making money online and other related titles.

Who Are Your Target Audience?

You have to know your target audience. Who are you writing to? Are you writing to the aged, the youths, graduates, undergraduates, unemployed etc? This goes a long way in affecting the kind of words you use in your writing.

Write As If You Are Talking To Your Friend

To write a book that will sale in the market place, online or offline, you must write as if you are talking to a friend. This makes the reading of the book easier. Not just that, it makes the facts of the book to be arranged in sequential order and logical too.

Do Not Write to “Many Persons At Once”, Write to a Single Person

To write a book that will sale in the market place, write as if you are addressing a specific person, probably your friend. Do not make the work look boring. Write as if you are just talking to a single person directly. This puts “The soul” to your book.

Pour Down Your Heart First

While writing, write what comes to your mind first. That is, your thoughts. After writing, you can then visit other sources like the library, the internet etc to source for other materials that you can use to further substantiate your facts. You don’t write and research at the same time. It may lead to plagiarism; that is, copying other peoples’ works (book and materials) verbatim. Besides, it will make you not to pour down your heart again into the work.

Unfortunately, for the sake of space and time factor, I might not continue in this series, but, you can always DOWNLOAD THE FULL SERIES through THIS LINK (CLICK TO GET YOUR COPY NOW)


See you again!

By the way, hope you enjoyed VALENTINE DAY CELEBRATION yesterday? Did you read my article yesterday entitled, “BEFORE YOU FALL IN LOVE…Undisclosed Secrets!” – CLICK HERE TO READ IT!

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P.S: I have made up my mind to become a Social Engineer and a Blogger who proffers solutions to the seeming hydra-headed challenges and problems of Africa. This I started doing through my e-books, especially my latest e-book, “Secrets Of Business Breakthrough

Secrets Of Business Breakthrough
Secrets Of Business Breakthrough

See you in my next ARTICLE!

Let me know what you think about this article. Use the comments section below. Don’t forget to share it.

P.S: Want me to help you personally? If yes, you can buy my helpful E-books (Nigerians, Click Here; Non-Nigerians, Click Here) or Hire Me

To Your Success,

Gabriel Onyekawa,

News Reporter,

AlaNaija News,

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