Discovered Secret On How To Make Money From Your Small Business image
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so, you wish to know the discovered secret on how to make money from your small business?

In this blog post, I will unveil it.


How do I mean? The remaining part of this blog post explains more…

Now, hear these; it is the problems you solve that determine your status in the business world.

Business is the art and science of solving problems and challenges in an environment. Until you are a problem-solver, you are not in business.

Focusing on the money you will make through a business idea is failing before even starting.

Your business must solve part of the hydra-headed problems and challenges of man to be seen as one.

The extent of the problem you solve is the only guarantee for your promotion in life.

The world today is full of challenges and problems. The truth is that these seeming hydra-headed challenges and problems are the real money-makers.

You can make all the money you desire to make when you discover a challenge or problem that is in alignment with your destiny and solve it.

If God called you to be a musician, there are many problems you can use songs to solve. Sing songs that will stop the operations of terrorism, prostitution, armed-robbery, and other social menace. Use you songs to correct the excesses of some people of the world.

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If you are called to write, just like me, locate some human problems that are in alignment with your assignment on earth and write against it, proffering solutions for a dynamic change.

For example, God called me to teach the business people “Vision”. He sent me to inform all business people, real and intending business people, that any business that is not anchored on Him (God) will amount to total failure.
That is why most of my book titles are related to business. Examples include: “Secrets Of Business Breakthrough”, “Commanding Wealth Through Entrepreneurship”, “Money In The 21st Century”, “Cracking The Wealth Code”, “Cracking The Debt Code”, and many others (Click Here For The Full Lists)

Who are you? What is your assignment on earth? Where are you called to serve? How are you going to go about the assignment? If you can comfortably answer these basic four questions, then you have discovered your purpose.

But, beyond these, what problems and challenges have you discovered around you? How does the people around you relate? What are their conditions of life? Are they poor or rich? What attitudes do they possess and portray?

All these seemingly hydra-headed challenges and problems are opportunities for your supernatural breakthrough. Do you know that you can really make money out of these challenges and problems?

God told me few days to the official launching of my weekly seminars in Africa that He does not empower personal needs but He empowers visions.
Until you get determined to solve practical problems, God might not empower you financially.

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Thus, you do not start a business because you acquired skills or trainings in that business area but because you have discovered a seeming challenge that aligns with your destiny that you want to solve.

That is what guarantees the release of finances from the throne of grace. If you doubt me, ask Jonah, when you meet him, who paid his fare to Tarshish? He paid the fare! (Jonah 1:3)

But Jonah rose up to flee unto Tarshish from the presence of the Lord, and went down to Joppa; and he found a ship going to Tarshish; so HE PAID the fare thereof,…(Emphasis mine)

Stop searching for a non-existent job! Create work for yourself and your work will in turn create wealth for you. That is what business is all about!

People make money doing this small business full time. You can do it.

Do You Need Help?

Talk to an Small Business Consultant (CLICK HERE)

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See you in my next article!


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To Your Success,

Gabriel Onyekawa

(A Google Certified Digital Marketer, AuthorPublisherBloggerTrainer, and Mentor),

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The Next Thing

Though I still have a lot to write on this topic I hope you learned something new from this blog post. More importantly, I want you to apply practically all I have been able to reach you via this blog post.

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>>> BONUS: I have personally written and published over 13 e-books and paperback books of various titles. I believe that they will be of immense help to you.

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