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Image by Veton Ethemi from Pixabay

“How Do I Locate A Good Life-Partner? (Your Marriage Guide)” is a major question a lot of the youths ask before getting married.

Unfortunately, many among them make the mistakes of their lives by choosing the wrong life-partners.

This should not be the case!

This article reveals The greatest mistake people make before choosing their partners In marriage That Is Killing Their Businesses

This article is part of an answer to the question someone asked me on a social media forum, Facebook, “How Do I Locate A Good Life-Partner? (Your Marriage Guide)”

The marriage of today is more of a ritual than divine mandate.

Some people marry because they think they are up to the ages of marriage or they have the resources (money, house, business, etc) needed for a blissful marriage.

Some people even marry because they do not want their girlfriends to abandon them for another man in marriage.

Others see marriage as a necessity for them to claim their own “rights” in their clubs, societies, or associations. What nonsense!

If you marry for the wrong reason, you get the wrong result; if the reason why you want to marry is not to add value to the work the Lord gave you as your purpose and use it to transform lives; your marriage may not be enviable.

The Author – Gabriel Onyekawa

Little wonder why marriages collapse and married couples become frustrated individually.

Whatever does not bring glory to the name of the Lord is bound to collapse, even before starting. If you doubt me, ask the people that want to build a tower that will touch Heaven what happened to them? They wanted to do it to be glorified for their works but God shattered that ambition before it began.

The heartbeat of God concerning marriage is that man and woman should live together as one, after exchanging vows. Marriage is honorable (Heb. 13:4).

Every marriage that is not anchored on the Word of God soon becomes a disaster. Every decision you make about your partner that has no hand of God in it soon suffocates you.

The Author – Gabriel Onyekawa

Marriage without God is damaging without discovering it. Marriage outside the will of God is management in self-delusion.

Darkness, in marriage, is the major reason a lot of partners suffer in poverty.

When it is God directing you, no devil stands against you. When there is the everlasting light of God in your marriage, no darkness comes in let alone surviving it.

Darkness today illuminates in many marriages because of the fact that the hand of God is not in it.

In the beginning, God ordained marriage to be a garden of relaxation, prosperity and enjoyment galore. God purposes that there should not be suffering in marriages. Open the book of Genesis chapter 2 and see what marriage was like for Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.

ALSO READ THIS!  3 Alarming Questions Before Marriage (#2 Will Blow Your Mind!)

When sin came in, man lost control of his marital rights. Man also lost control of his territorial powers. What man has been in control of became in control of man. What man has been tormenting started tormenting man. (Read Genesis 3) Adam’s marriage to Eve collapsed. Enmity came in-between them.

This is the major reason why it takes redemption to bring restoration into existence. Sin, on the side of man, made man loose his position to devil, the deceiver.

The devil hoodwinked Eve, who later used the power of a woman to influence Adam, the headman, to eat the forbidden fruit. In the end, both partners lost control of their globally cherished marriage. But that was not the reason why God instituted marriage.

God made marriage as a union of a man and a woman; the woman to be a help-mate to the man and to be submissive to the man; the man to respect the woman. God made man extend this super-abundant supply to the woman (That is, to provide for her). He made both parties love each other. He mandated them to be fruitful and multiply. He commanded man to subdue the earth.

Marriage was a world of peace, comfort, procreation, and prosperity until sin came in. practically speaking, darkness equals ignorance. Any man who is not informed is deformed. Being redeemed is not only the guarantee for a successful marital life but you need to take an in-depth study into what marriage is before you go into it. If you are already in it and have been suffering, upon this revelation be totally redeemed!

This article was not written just to make money from it but to restore dignity and value to marriages. No one in his/her right senses would like to be wished long life and marital bondage! But everybody would gladly reply to the statement “long life and prosperity”.

Prosperity in marriages is the major prosperity needed.

The Author – Gabriel Onyekawa

No Matter How Rich You Think You Are, …

with the wrong choice of partner, you end up in the pit of poverty and potential death.

God forbid that you make the wrong choices. Every feeling of choosing the wrong partner, upon these words, it is re-written! God is restoring a never-seen enjoyment in your marriage henceforth.

The Greatest Mistake People Make Before Choosing Their Partners For Marriage

is the lack of the discovery of what marriage is before going into it.

How many books have you read about Marriages? How many seminars have you attended on marriage? How many marriages have you studied to discover what makes them thick? What do you know about marriage? In marriage, one single marital mistake can wreck a destiny!

Restoring marital bliss to broken marriages is not cheap talk. It is hard work. May be you have been married and have been suffering in your marital life for a long time now. It is not supposed to be so.

Marital problems are not signs of righteousness. Marital problems are not God’s ways of punishing people. It is only the lie of the devil.

That you are suffering in your marriage today is because you chose to, by choosing the wrong partner out of ignorance.

You did not consult God before making your choice. You were deceived by what the eyes can see and what your inner self (heart) is saying.

No builder or architect commences the physical building of a house without a conceptualization of how the building will look like. God is the structural architect of all marriages. God possesses the operational manual of all marriages.

ALSO READ THIS!  How To Choose An Ideal Life Partner That Enhances Your Business Growth

The scripture is the key to all successful marriages. For partners to enjoy the best God designed for them, they should go back to God via His words for the solution.

Do not be deceived, dear! Why do you go to “houses of prayers “to determine who will be your partner? To me, this is a game of chance. It is a risky game. It is the worst game to play.

Let me ask you now: “That woman you have been going to, to help you know if that guy is your husband, to what extent is she enjoying her marriage with her husband?”

Nobody gives what he/she does not have. She cannot bless you with a blessing that is not within her disposition. Shine your eyes! Do not be deceived. God cannot be mocked. What you sow is what you reap.

You saw God as a ball and you the player; while the reverse has to be the case. That is why you have been suffering. Allow God to determine who becomes your partner, by asking Him for divine direction before choosing your partner, and you enjoy it to the fullest.

For the men, God said, “he that findeth a wife findeth a good thing and obtaineth favour from God. (Prov. 18:22).

There are some blessings that will not come to you when you are not yet married. However, the worst is choosing the wrong wife because if you do, you can’t even have the blessings.

To choose the right wife ordained by God for you, there are salient qualities you should look for. Those qualities are what I have tried to cover in this blog post.

Nevertheless, the key to making the right choice is to listen to your heart (your inner mind: that thin voice inside you that does not speak many times). That is the Holy Spirit in you if you are redeemed.

Therefore, if you are still wallowing in sin (not yet redeemed), there is no guarantee for you to make the right choice. Marriages become a game of choice.

For the woman, “the honour of a woman is her husband”, (The Bible says). Making the wrong choice is a detour to any woman’s destiny. If you choose wrongly, you have yourself to blame.

The research revealed to me that often, at the teenage age, some girls think that marriage is the only thing that they need, without having adequate knowledge of what marriage is.

However, if you can convince them to stay a little longer, they will discover that they would have made a terrible mistake if they had married then.

What you need is not to rush into marriage but to first of all discover the lifestyle of a married couple: what marriage is all about; how to run a successful marriage etc.

You may think that you don’t have any choice when it comes to marriage. It is a lie of the devil. You have every right. Besides, God cannot give you what you don’t desire, except He wants to use it to glorify Himself. The best man or lady on earth is for you. You will only discover him if you know how and why you must do that. That is the thrust of this article.

The marital problem is not from God; it is from man. If there is any problem in your marriage, you are the cause; if you do the right thing, you get the right results; if you do the wrong things, you get the wrong results. Life is like a soil; whatever seed you plant in it, is what you get as harvest.


what you before you fall in love
what you before you fall in love

It takes knowledge to lead a home.

ALSO READ THIS!  7 Reasons For Divorce In Marriage

It takes knowledge to live together as a husband and a wife.

Without adequate insight in a marriage, a husband become “Hunch back” and a wife turns into a “Knife”.

Knowledge makes the difference between a successful and productive marriage and a failing and “product-thief” marriage!

Make your choice today!

Learn from the masters! I am not one, I just contributed my own quota to the issue of marriage problems!

Nevertheless, by the leading of the Holy Spirit, I can help you overcome marriage problems and the seeming hydra-headed challenges in your marriage, if you are facing marriage problems that are seemingly beyond your control.

My focus is on helping my clients answer the seeming hydra-headed unanswered questions in relation to marriage problems.


+234 907 330 8104

And God’s wisdom, operating in me, shall answer ALL your questions, to the glory of God!

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See you in my next article!


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To Your Success,

Gabriel Onyekawa

(A Google Certified Digital Marketer, Author, Publisher, Blogger, Trainer, and Mentor),

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The Next Thing

Though I still have a lot to write on this topic I hope you learned something new from this blog post. More importantly, I want you to apply practically all I have been able to reach you via this blog post.

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